Sunday, October 3, 2010
When did we grow up? (and do we have to?)
Friday, September 10, 2010
The V word!
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Celebrating Choices!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Addictive Devices, Voyeur Culture - Boon or a Curse - My Choice!
I actually Googled up a couple of links that may help me heal myself - and all you closet addicts out there are welcome to sneak a peek:
The first is a link to the Alcoholics Anonymous program - it's been adapted for several other addiction programs so I'm guessing the basic tenets should work for online/Facebook addiction as well - So here are the main steps:
- admitting that one cannot control one's addiction or compulsion;
- recognizing a greater power that can give strength;
- examining past errors with the help of a sponsor (experienced member);
- making amends for these errors;
- learning to live a new life with a new code of behavior;
- helping others that suffer from the same addictions or compulsions.
This is the part where I get to create and master a hopefully sustainable plan to help me take care of myself - otherwise I wouldn't be able to take care of anyone else right? Easier said than done - but I will consciously limit my online time as suggested in the second link. So if I don't reply to your email with my usual alacrity please understand that it's not you - it's me! And I'm not saying I won't be on Facebook - just not always there - if you miss me just feel free to give me a call!
By publishing the two links here I'm hoping that some one person out there might be helped as well - AND I will be on to recovery. Thank God I'm not yet a Twitter addict -I've heard that's a pretty tough one as well! Peace!
Friday, June 4, 2010
To Old Friends and New!
So the girls are now a tad older, more things to juggle - husbands and babies (and nannys), work- life balance, and life itself. What I like about the series and the girls is that they are so easy to relate to - no I don't shop Prada but I do believe there's a little bit of the "Kid" in me ;)- the hopelessly emotional-romantic part. And then I see fragments of Ubercool-Super Savvy Samantha, Type-A Miranda, Striving-for-Perfection Charlotte in some of my favorite girls. I say fragments because as Women all of us (including the reel characters) have many many more dimensions.
True in this movie Samantha is sort of a drug junkie :)) - her regular Cosmopolitans seems to have been replaced by a Suzanne Somers Vitamin cocktail (in order to beat menopause) - and some of the stuff she does in Abu Dhabi are way over the top - But 'they' took away her "magic pills" so it could be withdrawal symptoms right? What hurt me more was the allusion to the subservient Indian labor ever present in the Abu Dhabi hotel and Carrie's inability to pronounce Gaurav. But well people have the right make their life choices (or so we hope) and I'm not too good at French either ...*sigh.* Another thing that's sure to bother some of us is the girls' fascination with the hijab and the burqha - definitely not politically correct - but are we always pc with our friends? What is totally unacceptable is poor Sarah Jessica's eye make-up - Ouch!
See how easily I overlook some of the issues ;) - it's because like many of you out there these girls have already created a niche in my heart by the way they handled their little and not so little strifes. Samantha overcame breast cancer, it wasn't easy for Charlotte to build that family, Miranda took care of her Alzheimer's affected MIL, and how can we forget Carrie's public humiliation when Mr. Big stood her up at the altar.
So if the girls seem flamboyant and frivolous - I say let them be - and that holds for us real life people too - yesterday might have been difficult and who knows what tomorrow holds. If someone's out there enjoying the present - or trying to - you might just be the one losing out if you are too quick to judge them ;) - My my ain't I wise!
The other bit that's so endearing about these girls is like all of us their choices are myriad - yes they'd love to have validation from their friends but too bad if they/we have to choose to agree to disagree. Like adults (are supposed to)they have a mutual agreement to respect and appreciate each other's choices even if they can't 'understand' always. However, the best and most important part is that if the issue is a fundamental one they don't lose their voices in the spiral of silence - be it Samantha's overt sexual innuendos that don't sit well with Charlotte, or Charlotte's inability to accept that being a mother ain't so easy ...
I could go on and one - as you can see :)) - but to cut a long blog short(er) we all need our "interfriensions" from time to time and the True Soul Sisters will always be there (husbands, babies, whatever) - and I so love my reel and real ones! Yes the series had so much more than the movies - but isn't life with the girls so much more fun than a one-off dinner? If I really think about it the one thing I missed in this movie was "the City." - Hope to see more of it next time! Cheers!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Living in the present :)
I grew up an only child but our family was big - parents, grandparents, unmarried aunts, visitors, cousins and their families dropping by - the rituals carried out every few months Saraswati Pujo, Durga Puja, Lakshmi Puja, Bhai Fonta - it sure was fun! As I grew older the family size dwindled slowly - aunts got married - grandparents and in fact parents don't/can't stick around forever. And I remember at one point there was me and my frail darling - my octogenarian Grandma (Thamma) - and she wouldn't let go of the rituals - they actually were her gift to me in a way. And I'd scramble to invite all our neighbors so that I could make the house a bustling place for Thamma to play her matriarchal role that evening - and yes all our neighbors were amazing folks who stepped in right away!
After I came to the US, I started my own rituals here but as always life gets in the way - sometimes in the nicest way - What is Bhai Fonta without the brother?And Aubon my cousin just grew up and went off to study! How very unfair - hehe! So today's mid-week get together is just to celebrate that Aubon's back temporarily and I'm glad that I have you all in my life to love :)
These bursts of casual together times with friends and family today will surely be fondly remembered tomorrow when life perhaps gets even busier - but for now creating the present will take some hard work and culinary skills so I guess I should sign off! I didn't want to reminisce too much but life does shape who we are so might as well acknowledge it! Hope you have a fun one!