Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Living in the present :)

Yes that's what I am trying to learn since so much time is spent wondering what the future holds or what the past held ... However the present we create sure has refelections of the past in some way or the other ... I have been laughed at many times for my urge to have mid week get togethers - in fact a school friend who was staying over briefly even informed me that I was bound to fall sick soon if I didn't slow down. And I'm sure psychiatrists would love to pigeon hole me but hey I'll be fine - don't you worry!
I grew up an only child but our family was big - parents, grandparents, unmarried aunts, visitors, cousins and their families dropping by - the rituals carried out every few months Saraswati Pujo, Durga Puja, Lakshmi Puja, Bhai Fonta - it sure was fun! As I grew older the family size dwindled slowly - aunts got married - grandparents and in fact parents don't/can't stick around forever. And I remember at one point there was me and my frail darling - my octogenarian Grandma (Thamma) - and she wouldn't let go of the rituals - they actually were her gift to me in a way. And I'd scramble to invite all our neighbors so that I could make the house a bustling place for Thamma to play her matriarchal role that evening - and yes all our neighbors were amazing folks who stepped in right away!
After I came to the US, I started my own rituals here but as always life gets in the way - sometimes in the nicest way - What is Bhai Fonta without the brother?And Aubon my cousin just grew up and went off to study! How very unfair - hehe! So today's mid-week get together is just to celebrate that Aubon's back temporarily and I'm glad that I have you all in my life to love :)
These bursts of casual together times with friends and family today will surely be fondly remembered tomorrow when life perhaps gets even busier - but for now creating the present will take some hard work and culinary skills so I guess I should sign off! I didn't want to reminisce too much but life does shape who we are so might as well acknowledge it! Hope you have a fun one!


  1. Looking forward to tonight! Adda, Food & fun!

  2. I love our mid week adda's too....they should also become a ritual just like the weekend celebrations...why shd we stop living just because it is not the weekend!

  3. I'm all about social rituals. It may be work to establish them, but it's worth it when you're able to build a network of close friends. I may have moved to CA (now over) 2 years ago, but I really started living (not just surviving) here after I made some friends! :-)
