Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Rome wasn't built in a day ...

My mind is an ace athlete! A sprinter, a pole-vaulter, a boxer ... what not. That's why those gray cells dash around and zig zag and generally tire themselves out while my human body sleepwalks through life and its' accompanying motions of hyperactivity and ensuing lethargy ...

Amidst all these wanderings I pick up on some strands of thoughts ... a song here, a friend's status update there, and twist them to reiterate the quests that are mine ... and perhaps yours too ... We share a story about the obvious - and the unsaid ... the expectations that are yet to be met - the wishes that are yet to be fulfilled. I have so much ... yet is this what I wanted ... perhaps ... perhaps not ...

Do I even know what I want ... not really, not always ... that bothered me - a lot ... till I chanced upon the concept of Neti Neti just the other day ... apparently even the Upanishads mention the mantra of "neither this, nor that." Wiki - the modern day friend, philosopher, and guide explained this as "an analytical process of conceptualizing something by clearly defining what it is not." ... Sort of a process of elimination ... Is that what life is?... Never looked at it like that before ...

Life then perhaps is a book and the chapters lived are those chapters that we can go back to and read ... it was fun cooking together that day, sitting and sharing that pastry, watching that sunset together ... And the days ahead are still to be written - and if we take them each page at a time it will surely be an interesting read one fine day ... of a journey through the times ... of my life - and yours too ... just got to be patient ... after all Rome wasn't built in a day ...


  1. I think of life as a you know which bird or flower you will see as you walk through the woods? yet your path is unique to you and touches your loved ones......kind of the opposite view....I think

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. hmmm ... interesting ... Mama, I don't see a conflict as such in our views - They are distinct yes but perhaps the perspectives differ because of life experiences, the points in life we are individually at, etc ... Somewhere during your journey and my book we share pages together :)

  4. formidable thoughts..Life has so many colors ! each changing rapidly in different hues and for different reasons..Bright for one..dark for another..yet it is when dark we see the stars!!

  5. @Chetna - that's a great thought ... and so true ... you have an interesting perspective on things girlfriend :)
