Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Being comfortable in ones' skin ...

As I browsed one of my favorite online newspapers "The Telegraph" I came upon an article that had me in splits. While I read it out to Rahul I also Facebooked it! It's about an Indian Bengali music director Bappi Lahiri. Mr. L is someone who works really hard at building and maintaining an extremely flashy persona - let's just say that in this case the gliterrati really glitters - haha! http://www.telegraphindia.com/1091021/jsp/entertainment/story_11636658.jsp

As I Googled some of Mr. L's music I had to accept that the guy has composed some seriously "fun" stuff - and well even as I write this and many others read the Telegraph article Mr. L is merrily singing/composing/acting his way to the bank! The interview that I read tonight was extremely cheesy - a humorous read. The interviewer prods Mr. L with questions that he apparently rather unassumingly answers - but when I think about it what I realize is that this guy actually is comfortable in his own skin and doesn't really give a damn at us for laughing at him.

How many of us can do that? For that matter how many of us are really comfortable in our skin?

1 comment:

  1. rini, excellent interview! I saw the head line but did not read it earlier.
